2024, the year of Redd Kross: A major summer tour is planned, a biography is set to be published, and the long-awaited documentary “Born Innocent” is finally hitting theaters. Additionally, there’s a new album. “Redd Kross” (In The Red) builds another monument to the band led by the McDonald brothers.
The Californians are known for taking it easy, both in terms of their sound and their releases. Over more than 40 years, they haven’t released much, with the new album bringing their total to nine LPs. Thus, we are grateful for every new release, especially one as good as “Redd Kross.”
Nostalgic feelings abound, especially evident at the end with “Born Innocent,” which ties back to their 1982 debut album of the same name. Time flies, and how young we were back then. But Redd Kross still sounds fresh.
Their power pop is straightforward and sunny. The album runs for nearly an hour, not showing much variety but remaining pleasant throughout. There are a few hits, like “Candy Coloured Catastrophe” and “The Witches’ Stand,” along with some decent filler and rarely anything edgy.
Always present: passion. Sometimes: punk and psychedelia. Overall, it’s a very listenable retro-rock album that never becomes embarrassing.
Redd Kross – Redd Kross: Classic Power Pop – RIFL